Prof. Dr. Didier Queloz
Nobel Laureate, Director of the Centre for Origin and Prevalence of Life (COPL) of ETH Zurich
Vice Chair
Dr. Martine Clozel
Representative of the world of economics, Executive Vice President Idorsia Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Prof. Dr. François Bussy
Representative of the University of Lausanne
Prof. Dr. Martina Caroni, LL.M.
Representative of the University of Lucerne
Prof. Dr. Lars-Erik Cederman
Representative of the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Prof. Dr. Christa Dürscheid
Representative of the University of Zurich
Prof. Dr. Beatrix Eugster
Representative of the University of St. Gallen
Prof. Dr. Katharina Fromm
Representative of the University of Freiburg
Prof. Dr. med. Silke Gillessen Sommer
Representative of the Università della Svizzera italiana
Prof. Dr. Michael N. Hall
Representative of the University of Basel
Prof. Dr. Virginia Richter
Representative of the University of Bern
Prof. Dr. Philippe Sansonetti
Representative of the French ambassador in Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Michaël Unser
Representative of the Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
Executive Secretary
Dr. Aurélia Robert-Tissot
State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI